Jure Kravanja - Presentation - Terra Quantum Life
Jure Kravanja was born in Celje, Slovenia, in He graduated in Sociology and Pedagogics in It was only later, in his forties, that he became interested in photography. The hobby quickly progressed into a passion, a way of life. Jure kravanja biography for kids pdfSports biography for kidsJure kravanja biography for kids in hindiBiography for kids helen keller jure kravanja biography for kids2 Jure Kravanja was born sixty-three years ago in Celje. He attended high school in Celje, and then completed his studies in sociology and pedagogy at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana.PHOTOLab ~ Jure Kravanja - El Drama de Aly, carousel Jure Kravanja je sociolog, pedagog, predvsem pa izvrsten učitelj fotografiranja. Stari fotografski mački se čudijo uspehu, ki ga dosega kot fotograf, saj se je s fotografijo začel ukvarjati šele pri 45 letih.【环球博览】微信朋友圈封面主题照片为何只有他一个摄影师作品 Jure Kravanja was born in Celje, Slovenia, in He graduated in Sociology and Pedagogy in It was only later, in his forties, that he became interested in photography. Mania quickly progressed into a passion, a way of life. Fotografija kot terapija – National Geographic Slovenija
【Jure Kravanja 】是斯洛文尼亚一名经验丰富的艺术摄影师,千万不要被他的作品蒙蔽了眼睛,这些并不是抽象的油彩画,而是使用尼康 D70和mm f/拍摄的摄影作品。这些创意之作的视角新颖、完美的线条感和光影勾勒出的匀称轮廓深深吸引了读者们的眼球。.
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Jure Kravanja - Photography by Jure Kravanja. Escape Into Life features art and literature by emerging and established artists from all over the world. Jure Kravanja Wall Art: Prints, Paintings & Posters |
Jure Kravanja,斯洛文尼亚摄影师。年逾50的他是一名经验丰富的艺术摄影师。千万不要被他的作品蒙蔽了眼睛,这些并不是抽象的油彩画,而是使用尼康D70和mm f/拍摄的摄影作品。这些创意之作有些曾被《国家地理》选中,刊登之后反响强烈。.
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Jure Kravanja was born in Celje, Slovenia, in 1960. |
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Jure Kravanja, MF FZS, EFIAP, born in 1961, completed his studies in Sociology and Pedagogy at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. |
Jure kravanja biography for kids free |
Jure Kravanja was born in Celje, Slovenia, in 1960. |
Jure Kravanja: predavanje Fototerapija in odprtje razstave ...
Shop for the best selection of Jure Kravanja wall art online. Low price guarantee, fast shipping & easy returns, and custom framing options on all prints. Jure kravanja biography for kids3
Jure Kravanja, MF FZS, EFIAP, rojen , je zaključil študij sociologije in pedagogike na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Do sedaj je imel sprejeta dela na več kot sedemdesetih tekmovalnih razstavah doma in v tujini, ter bil štiriintridesetkrat nagrajen. Samostojno je razstavljal trikrat. PHOTOLab ~ Jure Kravanja - El Drama de Aly
Shop our incredible selection of jure-kravanja wall art and canvas prints. Day Money Back Guarantee. Free Shipping on Orders $+ & Free Returns. Žirija – Pannonia Reflections
Vabljeni v prireditveni prostor Knjižnice Laško na predavanje o fototerapiji priznanega in uveljavljenega fotografa Jureta Kravanje, otvorila pa se bo tudi manjša razstava Društva fotografov SVIT. Jure KRAVANJA (, Celje) je končal študij sociologije in pedagogike na FF v Ljubljani in se šele v svojih štiridesetih začel zanimati za fotografijo, a.
Jure Kravanja was born in Celje, Slovenia, in 1960.
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Jure Kravanja: Where the Fables are born | Nature | Photographs | Choose from an endless array of motif.